How Does Dowsing Work? - October 2017
Guest Speaker - Dan Davidson
Dan’s understanding of how the universe functions and how man fits into the universe has enabled him to understand dowsing and how it operates.
Mr. Davidson has been doing research in gravitational physics, free energy systems, and electronic medicine for over 35 years. He has concentrated his research efforts in understanding the basic structure of the universe, the nature of energy, and how it relates to the forces of gravity, electricity and magnetism. Over the years of research he has witnessed and collected many fascinating stories of well documented bizarre incidents that point to a new understanding of science. He believes that the scientific community is in the process of developing a new paradigm in our understanding of nature which will radically change the physical sciences. His degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering have provided a basis to relate orthodox science concepts to advanced experimental research. Mr. Davidson is a strong advocate of experimentation and always backs up his theory with actual working experiments and publishes experimentally verified information.
Dan has authored several books on his research which are available from him:
Shape Power – Dan’s latest book detailing how shape converts the universal aether into other forces, proven how the pyramid energy is created, shown that energy conduits exists between our sun and other stars which lead to a hyperspace drive.
Energy: Breakthroughs to New Free Energy Devices – A summary of proven free energy inventions into the 1970’s, John Keely’s amazing discoveries, Schauberger’s Zokwendle, and many other tidbits.
Dan’s websites are and He can be contacted via email at There are six PDF document files that he has graciously offered to share with the Tucson Dowsers. Here they are:
A PDF version of Dan’s Power Point presentation “Dowsing is One Method of Getting Inner Guidance” made at Tucson Dowsers General Meeting on October 14, 2017. This will be very useful in recounting the multitude of topics and detailed points Dan made during his talk.
A PDF called “Etheric Protection of Treasures” which further details the principles behind and methods of dealing with various forms of psychic protection placed around hidden objects, a topic discussed briefly by Dan during his presentation.
A PDF of Dan’s three page discussion/handout on the nature of the Higher Mental Body and it’s relationship to the Christ Self.
A PDF description of the M3 “Miracle Manifestation Medallion” device.
A PDF description of the P3 “Planet Purification Projector” device.
A PDF describing both the AAD “Auric Aura Device” and the ARW “Auric Ray Wand” devices.