"Dowsing Alchemy – Transmuting Your Shit into Wisdom & Exponential Growth”

Guest Speaker

Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Reiki Master,

and Stress Management Expert

Roxanne Louise


Saturday, February 1, 2025

1:30 PM PT

Pain is a powerful wake-up call. It gets our attention. It motivates us to make long overdue changes so as to avoid the cosmic 2 X 4's that the universe bestows on slow learners. Like those in 12 step groups understand, hitting bottom is a good thing in that it makes clear that the pain will not go away until we change. Whether through illness, relationship breakups, job loss, the positive intention behind any of our problems is feedback. If we pay attention, if we are willing to change, heal, release, forgive - whatever it takes - progress can be made.  Dowsing can be a powerful tool in this process. Roxanne has adapted various unconscious healing modality techniques to incorporate dowsing to rapidly locate the core issues and underlying dynamics - the root causes, limiting beliefs, detrimental judgments, painful emotions and anything hidden from our conscious awareness. Dowsing can calibrate our progress as we practice these and other techniques and make whatever corrections are indicated leading to rapid and positive resolution of long held problems including not just those stemming from our own current and past lives but those inherited from our cultural heritage and ancestors over multiple lifetimes.

Bio - Roxanne Louise is a Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Reiki Master, and Stress Management Expert who has been in private practice since 1989, teaching classes both locally, on the internet, and at multiple national hypnosis and dowsing conferences yearly. She has received multiple awards in both hypnosis and dowsing including two hypnosis “lifetime achievement awards”. She is a Past President of the American Society of Dowsers, former Board Member, and conducted 47 informative teleconferences for them for more than 2 years and has written numerous books as well as a prodigious blog of over 180 articles.  Roxanne is known for her ability to integrate multiple modalities for a powerful synergistic effect that enables profound healing not possible with one modality alone, and in a way not previously done by others. She specializes in mental and emotional healing, stress management, mind-body healing, and creative problem solving. A complete bio listing her awards and books as well as her other work experience (casework, counseling, teaching, and classical singing) can be found here: https://www.roxannelouise.com/about.html.


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