Resolving the Traumas (That Are Causing the Issues) - June 2022
Special Guest
Dowser and Channel Amy Jo Ellis
When it comes to solving life issues, it all boils down to finding the “Point of Origin.” From illnesses and allergies to money or family problems. All issues have an event that caused them.
Once the point of origin (cause) is located, we can release the non-beneficial energy around it and allow the problem to resolve.
Amy Jo will be showing us how we can use dowsing to find the “Point of Origin” and teach us the basics of using the Full Court of Atonement and handing out the complete outline of the process.
Bio - Amy Jo gives credit to the use of a pendulum and an alphabet chart for unleashing her psychic abilities.
She has gone on to channel an incredibly powerful healing modality called “The Court of Atonement.”
The process works to remove conflicts, whether the conflict is between two people, a pack of dogs, or just your conscious and subconscious mind.
Her e-booklet has gone on to sell thousands of copies in over 100 countries.
Dowser, Raymon Grace, impressed with Amy Jo’s down-to-earth teachings, boosted her popularity by dedicating his quarterly newsletter to introduce her to his followers.