Balance Your Home and Your Life through Dowsing - June 2019

Guest Speaker - Susan Nimue


We all use dowsing in various forms to identify things in and around us, but are we using it to identify what nurtures and keeps our life current and flowing?  What items in your immediate surroundings, your home, are truly supporting the energizing life-fulling environment you desire? Let’s explore and question with what energies we are surrounding ourselves.

As an alternative seeker for the majority of my life, I was drawn and began to dowse about 40 years ago.  I called it “penduluming” not knowing the term dowsing at the time. From that jumping off point I have trained in Feng Shui (the Black Hat School), received certification in Hypnotherapy (the Alchemical School) and spent time as a practitioner of both Arts.  My current use of the art of dowsing is within my artistic expression. I intuit which stones wish to be used and then dowse for the particular materials to combine within the piece of art I am creating.


The Power to Heal Imbalance - October 2019


Numerology - May 2019